New Music!

Hey my 4 followers!

I know this isn't really sim related, but I thought I'd share.

Gymmie's New Floor Music? What?

As you really should know I'm a gymnast. And that link up there leads to my new floor music! Do you guys like it? I personally LURVE it!!! :D

By the way...

By the way. I have other sims blogs for sims and edited pictures that can be found

Here (Edited Pics)  and  Here (Sims)

Crgee's New {AWESOME} Comp!

Go there or the koalas will eat you...

Aceflamingo23/Nashville_Kittens/flamethrower31 Trolling spree!

Hey everybody! Do you all like the new blog design? I love it! It is here to stay for soo long! Anyway, here's the report on Ace's latest trolling spree!

Well, theflamethrower31 started off by asking if there's kittens in sims 3. Smoz knew right away that he was Ace/Nash-Kittens.

And he tried to pretend he wasn't Ace.

Well said Smoz, well said.

LOL! Major win.

I noticed this signature of a simmer. I'm from Canada also. MAJOR WIN! I was roflcopter-ing when I saw this.

Oh, what a surprise! Another thread from Ace! In case you can't see, it's called "wizerd of smoks" which is VERY rude.

'Cause you are!

Yay for Smoz! :]

Yay for Kellor!! :]

My itunes thing cut it off, but it says in red what he said.


Doesn't look photoshopped to me...

Oh really? Well you've already made 3! What's your username gonna be when late night comes out? Huh?

Lol! I guess miracle doesn't break her promises!

And then Smoz made a thread about a cool word she made. But guess who had to crash the party...

Surprise, surprise!

Well, now you know who to watch out for on the forums! He can be amusing though. In an annoying way.

Hope you liked it! I won't be posting for the next couple days because tomorrow instead of gymnastics practice, our coach is taking us to Calypso waterpark with all the camp kids AND i'm going to Calypso with my cousins the next day. And then I'll be so tired the next day...



ZOMG major forum trolling-ness from AceFlamingo23/Nashville_Kittens/Flamethrower_31 coming up in a few days...

Awesome Simmers of Simmerland!

Welcome to the first AWESOME SIMMERS OF SIMMERLAND feature!

The very first simmer to be featured is.... REXY!

As you can see I think Rexy should have a trillion recs! She's an amazing simmer who is actually very very nice and helpful. She doesn't brag at times of success and brings a good sense of humor to sad times. Rexy you are awesome!

.::AWESOME links::.

Rexy's Blog

Rexy's Very Super Duperfully Helpful Editing Guide

Rexy's Page

Hope you guys like the new feature!

New feature: Awesome Simmers of Simmerland!

Hello peoples and this is a new feature of Gymmie's blog: Awesome Simmers of Simmerland!

It features awesome simmers who I think deserve to have 1,000,000 recs!

Stay tuned for the first featuree!